Free game engine that allows the creation of both 2D, 3D, and virtual reality games.
Free code editor for use in conjunction with Unity Game Engine.
This 2D, physics-based project contains a collection of single-action Components which you can use as building blocks, and combine them to create any type of gameplay.
This worksheet will help you keep track of all the frames of animation related to the various characters in your game world. They may have different graphics for walking, attacking, or facing different directions.
This worksheet will help you with designing scenes and story for your players to interact with and enjoy. It can be helpful to sketch out environments or scenes you plan to have in your game to get an idea of how various parts of your game world might fit together.
This worksheet will help you with designing multi-part scenes or keeping track of camera perspectives. It is helpful to plan the sequence of any animated scenes or important story related visual elements so you have a visual reference for how things might work together.
A simple scene file. Download this file, unzip and place the files into your Scene folder for Week 4.
Assets for Week 5. Download and unzip these files into your Asset folder for Week 5. Included are an empty city track, models to make a custom track, and vehicle models.
Assets for Week 6. This is a unity file. You simply need to run this file while your project is open to import them to the project. Included are a city scene, a font file, and several low poly models.
Assets for Week 7. This is a unity file. You simply need to run this file while your project is open to import them to the project. Included are a city scene, a font file, several low poly models, and the scripts written in Week 6.
A slimmed down version of the Game Design Document. Meant to be used to quickly get ideas down on paper to begin working.
A game design document is a highly descriptive living software design document of the design for a video game. A GDD is created and edited by the development team and it is primarily used in the video game industry to organize efforts within a development team.
Assets for Week 8. This is a unity file. You simply need to run this file while your project is open to import them to the project. Included are a city scene, a font file, several low poly models, and the scripts written in Week 6 and 7.