Week 5

Week Five

Topics we cover:

  • Creating custom C# scripts

  • Working in a 3D workspace

  • Working with the Update method

  • Declaring and initializing variables

  • Moving and rotating 3D object through code


  • Importing Assets

  • Adding a vehicle

  • Adjusting the camera

  • Moving an asset through code

  • Having the camera follow the player

  • Rotating an asset through code

Resources used in the lesson

Week 5

On Your Own Challenges

  • Move the player so thy start on the road instead of anywhere else.

  • Set up a third and first person camera system that the player can switch between.

  • Create a script that checks to make sure the player hasn't driven off the edge of the map. If they do spawn them back on the map.

  • Set up an acceleration system where force is added to the player up to a maximum speed.

  • Set up a system that has the player turning less as they travel faster.

Finished Product